11 Best Movie Server List


We all want the best movie servers here are many best movie servers for everyone some old and some new. All those movie servers are new and active as tested by bdixftp server team. So you can choose your favorite one from those movie servers many people have not found an active movie server working properly. Many movie servers do not allow public user access. They only offer access to their users and customers/ here I am naming only some movie servers which are active and running. Choose any one from this movie server list and enjoy it for free such as


You should use a VPN for an extra layer of security before using this type of server. A VPN virtual private network will help protect your personal data from a third party.

Appropriate server: Every day many people ask which ftp server is suitable for them. The reason for asking this question is that many people have problems accessing these servers/ And that’s why they ask these questions how do you know which ftp server is right for you? So here I will try to answer this question. Actually, every ftp server is suitable for us. But the problem is to use our internet network connection. Because we all know that the internet connection we use has an IP address. This IP address is our internet Id. Now it appears that some ftp server websites block these ip addresses due to which we cannot access those ftp movie server lists. So it is difficult to say which ftp server is suitable for us. If you use a particular broadband companies internet connection it is possible to tell which ftp server is suitable for you/ Know it appears that every broadband internet LSP has its own ftp server so if the broadband service you are using is from an ftp server with your eyes classed you can get the maximum download speed from the ftp server provided by the broadband service you are using will be suitable for you.


Here is Best online server list.

Movie Server 1

Movie Server 2

Movie Server 3

Movie Server 4

Movie Server 5

Movie Server 6

Movie Server 7

Movie Server 8

Movie Server 9

Movie Server 10

Movie Server 11

Movie Server 12

Movie server access:

Many people are trying to access ftp servers but can’t there is a solution to this problem actually these ftp servers are very easy to access and here you only need the server address. If you already know the address of a server. It will be much easier for you to access the server/ first give and ftp server name and link the address of an ftp server name and link the address of an ftp server to the name for everyone’s convenience, by clicking on the full server name giver here you can directly go to servers homepage. So to access the ftp movie server list, you need to click on the name of your selected ftp server. Choose a server from the list and click on one above the server name of your choice then you can use it.

Use of movie server:

If you are a movie lover then you must know how to use ftp server. actually, ftp server is a necessary thing through which you can download any kind of movie without any hassle. So if you don’t know how to use ftp server here I will tell you how to download movies using an ftp server.

you must log in to the selected server before downloading anything from the Flp server or movie server • To access a server you must know the IP address of the ftp server I listed here with just one click you don’t need to know anything extra to do. So if want to access any of the ftp servers given here you can directly by clicking on the ftp server link so choose one from here and then enjoy as per your choices.

Its illegality and legality:

Hope everyone knows that copying and uploading content online is a crime but this crime is called online piracy. Online piracy is also known as cybercrime. There are many websites that use pirated content so please do not visit those sites. Because using and uploading online content are two equal crimes beware of online piracy and warn the person next to you.

List of alternative movie servers:

Every day many people find an alternative movie server to download movies telefilms, games, and software. So here you can find a huge alternative movie server list for your LSP network. We have highlighted is ftp server of your LSP network not working no problem here you can know some alternative ftp server details and using these ftp servers you can download more movies and dramas of your choice if you want to see a list of these ftp server options you can go directly to our BDIX ftp server list page there you will find a list of more than 350 FTP servers and using those servers you can download all kinds of movies of your choice.


A movie server link is a platform of such level for watching movies and dramas. It has its own pace It downloads everything at a high speed. We have a list of many best movie servers some old and some new all movie servers are new and active. You can choose any server from here and enjoy it for free but before using such servers you should use a VPN for an extra layer of security. A VPN or virtual private network helps protect your personal data from a third- party websites. Every ftp server is suitable for us. But the problem is to use our internet network connection, so if you use internet connections of a particular broadband company. It is possible to tell which ftp server is suitable for you. This is because every broadband internet ISP has it’s own ftp server. You can get the maximum download speed from the ftp server provided by your broadband service needless to say the ftp server of the broadband internet service you are using will be suitable for you. Accessing these ftp servers is very easy and here you only need the server address it has some legalities and illegalities just have to adopt them. Then everyone can avoid all kinds of risks you can use this ftp movie server for free without any risk.

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